Adam's Beanstalk

A daily adventure-bag of insights and old bones from an unknown poet in Manitoba's south. Caveat: Not everything is to be taken literally. Things are often shaded with poetic crayons; be the owl. Also, not all these bones are collected from different fields. Find themes that run througout each post and the journal as a whole; the most insignificant event may be part of an ear.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bit in the Mouth

So this week things have been a little slow in blog-world. I guess I'm still experiencing a little bus-lag from Spring tour. However, I did update some of the links on the side to include some of the blogs where I draw my inspiration from. Also, check out the link to my music @ myspace, and tell me what you think. I've had a lot of these songs kicking around for years, and not many people have heard them. So don't let them pass from this world in vain! To catch you up with my life, here are some of the highlights of my week:

- Friday Night: we performed our dramas again, but this time for our home church. The house was PACKED and the skits went well. Superman even managed to avoid crashing. I remember the strawberry-kiwi juice after the performance which I thought was great and Jason thought was bad. I'm still not sure whether Wendy spent all day picking out the seeds because she also denied mixing it from bought juice.

- Saturday Day: Good fun watching the Blue Jays game. Glad to be back in baseball season, after my new found love of the game that happened sometime last year. To put this love into practice, I played a game of 500 with Jimi and Shane. The cool thing was that the sky outside was kind of deep purple, with a bit of the globe of sun trying to escape in the west. Then it started to rain, really hard and sideways, like when a totem pole tips. So we were all wet on one side and dry on the other.

- Sunday: Come to think of it, I think the game of 500 I mentioned was actually played on Sunday. Alas. Went to church and got to catch up with Jeff & Chris, and saw Paul Gregoire without a suit jacket. Managed to escape a Lorne Kornelson worship service without hearing "To the River". Instead we got "Farther Along" which I love, even played it on guitar on Saturday night - coincidence? Went to grandparent Loewen's for lunch where I helped grandpa set up a hotmail account. Funny - when we were asked to create a secret question to remember we talked about which question he wanted to answer. We briefly discussed favorite author, but he seemed interested in answering "First Car". Fine, I thought. But when he typed in his answer it was "C.S. Lewis". Is that an early Ford?


At 3:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked out your tunes on myspace. if I had a myspace page I'd leave a comment there but here works too. The tunes are nothing short of the greatness I expected. Are they all written, recorded and produced by you?

At 9:50 p.m., Blogger Adam Kroeker said...

yes, indeed. Of course, "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and "Long, Long Ago" were only arranged, and not written by me. I shall give props out to Jason K. who played guitar for Once More into the Briar Patch and Song of the Songs. He also played keyboard for Song of the Songs.


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