Adam's Beanstalk

A daily adventure-bag of insights and old bones from an unknown poet in Manitoba's south. Caveat: Not everything is to be taken literally. Things are often shaded with poetic crayons; be the owl. Also, not all these bones are collected from different fields. Find themes that run througout each post and the journal as a whole; the most insignificant event may be part of an ear.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Draw Your Own!

There are notices up in the apartment:

-Was left on the front step with a
Black & White Jacket
-Full of Clothing
-Saw a person
put on the jacket,
walk inside with the

Another notice in the laundry room:

Have you ever had a favorite pair of jeans?
Well I used to, but they were taken after I
left them in the washing machine.
Please return them, you don't know how much it means.

Looks like someone has sticky fingers... Sooner or later we'll be standing outside and that person will come up to us and say:

"Nice pants."
"I said, give me your pants!"

Do you know that I just pulled out a long hair that was nestled between keys on my keyboard?

On Sunday afternoon I went to play poker with a crazy collection of local youth:

Christopher "Drummer" Dueck
Brother Shane
Brenden Friesen
Chris "Auger Boy" Dueck
Michael Brandt
Thomas Remple

Is this not a fascinating combination of people? We played around Michael B.'s pool table, and the effect was rather charming.

We started a B side after people were eliminated from the A side game. And we made nasty comments to the other group and stole their Lay's Stackers. When Christopher went to heat up some pizza from M.B.'s freezer the last of the pepsi's was taken. It turns out he picked a tomato pizza which was apparently
"Very Old!"
And so I gave him the last 20% of my Pepsi, but he had to get me a glass of water, and then he drank the pepsi in one sip, and laughed at his foolish life.

Well, I thought I got my car fixed, but take note that it did stall a few more times. Granted, I was trying to turn around on parking lots at odd angles, but it still is a little haunting.

Yesterday evening we went out to eat at Daly Burger, which is on Corydon and run by (judging from the pictures of the acropolis on the walls and his striking accent) a jolly Greek man who looked like Victor from Vidir(Dmitri's dad). There were several layers of music going on inside the restaurant at the same time: curling commentators for the Manitoba/Sask game on TV, classical piano music from CD, and a Creed song off of Weathered. An auditory jungle! The burgers also have several layers at once, including a spread of chili and some limp, chili doused, pickles. They are overall tasty, though!

Now I will end without a conclusion.


At 10:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had my nails done by the jolly Greek man's daughter once. She was cool. (this is not a lie)

At 2:15 p.m., Blogger Adam Kroeker said...

That is absolutely fascinating! It is a small world, after all.


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