Bit in the Mouth 2
Because this is a long post, I separated it from the other, which you should read first.
- Monday: The water is quite high in Rosenort, almost ready to go over the road at Jason's parent's place. I hang around, loving the nice weather, even going to eat breakfast outside on the deck. I bring my computer out to work on a Creative Writing Portfolio, and take some time to help dad cut down some trees that were growing under the deck and threatening to make it a treehouse. We also worked cutting away some rotten floor in our collectible shop. After lunch I drove down to Jason's parents place and snuck into the "Office", turned Jason's bachelor pad, where we used to have Rustic Poets music practice. It was haunting - considering how many good times were spent there, I realized I hadn't stepped foot in the place since last September. I took some of the great pictures down from the walls (yes, the rooster standing on a sheep with the three trees, now hanging in my bedroom) and a few board games. A couch sat in the middle of the room, piled with old belongings. Jason's cabinet and 12 string still huddled in the back room.
I drove back to Winnipeg after having a four o'clock supper. We put up some of the paintings around our house. Then Jason arrived. It must have been like entering his old house in a new place. We sat down at the kitchen table and started a game of Iron Dragon. He had a great first run, as usual, leaving Travis' and my trains in the dust. Then we got a call from old friend Jenna Waldner.
So off we went to meet her at the Park Theatre (not the Globe, contrary to Jenna's belief, which caused her to be, oh, a half hour late) where I had a choffee and we sat around the couches in the upper loft. And it was good to see how distance and time had changed us, and given us new friends and adventures. And let us talk about old friends and adventures. And we discovered that her new roommate is in fact Travis' old roommate (the replacement none other than yours truly), and that she worked with Travis' sister. Of course the two of them had never met, and this was all quite fascinating to us. Coincidence? And then the lights turned off and we parted ways, and Jason came back to our apartment and we talked of even older times much longer than we should have, because he was here, and Rosenort a long ways away.
all fruits/foods were chosen at random, as long as they complied with the first letter of the blogger's name. I take no responsibility if you do not like your name, but I suppose I could be coerced into changing them.
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