Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday
So I went fishing today in our little pond in our little paddle boat loaded down with dad and Shane and Jimi and all our fishing equipment. Not so little. And also not so little was the chunky catfish I caught. 4 pounds by our Kroeker Mental Weight Scale System we just implemented. It was a perfect evening for doing just this. And a nice afternoon. I read some Kant on the back deck, and also with my back against a stone in the front yard. Ohh... and I did some writing down on the dock. I must try harder to get in more writing time like this.
Yesterday it was beautifully hot in the morning, and Jimi and I decided to set up a capture the flag game with Super Soakers and napkins as flags. Then we laughed because it started raining, and we couldn't tell if we were getting hit by rain or by the guns. We sat on the dike when the drizzle let up and heard some huge time thunder. Then there was a storm of lightning - about ten bolts simultaneously! I laugh again at the good luck I am having lightning watching this year.
Friday was the Rosenort School graduation. I realized from my city friends that most graduations are attended only by close family members. Not so in Rosenort - the whole town and more was out - the gym was so full a few had to stand. The backdrop was a quaint european courtyard, and the chairs stood out - garden wrought iron variety but all unique. The graduating girls also sported some of the best dresses I have seen at a grad. After the longish ceremony I started my trek of party hopping, stopping in at 6 grad's places in total to load up on snacks and sign guestbooks. Each party also saw a few minutes of good conversation with divers folk. And then the big aftergrad party at a barn on the Meridian Road. The dance music was pumping the whole night long (which unfortunately meant yelling for all conversations) which gave Chelsea and I the chance to show off our line dance skills we picked up at Somewhere Else West. Meanwhile, Paul Gregoire was busy working his slightly different skills with another group of line dancers - unfortunately it seems our lines intersected, for once every 4 bars we would bump hips or kick each other accidentally! There was a dog that could fetch an individual piece of gravel when thrown on a gravel road in the dark! We also roasted an apple.
Some Thoughts:
Who brings fruit to a dance?
Who arranges it that EVERY PERSON must get driven home from a party when nobody has been drinking except the chaperones - WHO ARE DRIVING THE PEOPLE HOME!!!!
Friday was also the Westfield BBQ - we had a meal by Danny's Whole Hog (say it with an accent) and got a preview of the new self propelled auger. Took about two hours off of the day. We got caps as well. On a sad note, high school friend and fellow assembler Joey has been moved to the bolt bagging department. Thanks for the memories, Joe.
Thursday we have house church at Konrad's house. Things of Note:
1) I walk across Academy Road holding a guitar
2) Konrad's dad has a constant art show going in the house
3) We studied the book of Jude. Makes for a good time.
4) Robin's Donuts and Yerba Mate brewed through a coffee machine!
hmm....drunken chaperones driving sober teenagers home....must have been opposite day. Where "no" means "yes" and "you're great" means "you suck".
entires are scarce.. i`m moving to korea in 6 days....
enTRIES.. not entires...
Neighbour! I happened to stumble across your web page in the ridiculous labyrinth of 'the interweb' and thought I'd say hey. Your site amuses and inspires - your writing only improves with time. I was in Riverside all spring (working at a greenhouse in Morris) and I'm surprised I didn't bump into you . . . however most of my nature wanderings leaned west not east to the pond-scattered farmyard of my brother. Now I'm back in the city and geared up for Folk Fest! Wohoo!
- Keira
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