Peach Cobbler
Considering the following story describes the interviews I had today, I decided to present it to you in interview fashion. The text is taken from a messenger conversation. In order to protect the identity of the other person, I have taken great care to scramble the letters in the username. Here is the conversation:
Sealech era says:
hey! did you have an interview today?!
Adam! says:
yes, 2 in fact
sealech era says:
how'd they go???
Adam! says:
first one, at the Sunglass Hut, was quick and pretty casual because they REALLY
want me for the job
Adam! says:
the second, however...
sealech era says:
not so good?
Adam! says:
was down at Duha Color close to the airport
sealech era says:
duha color? what kind of job is there?
sealech era says:
Adam! says:
That was the computer programming job
sealech era says:
there name isn't very explainitory...
Adam! says:
Well, they do make paints
Adam! says:
The job just happens to be behind the scenes
Adam! says: anyways, I haven't done much programming in like, three years
Adam! says:
and I get there, and sit in the board room
sealech era says:
intimidation still works, apparently
Adam! says:
and am brought this stack of papers, a test, if you will, on computer programming
sealech era says:
oh goodness!
Adam! says:
asking... how would you write the code for this
Adam! says:
and that
sealech era says:
i'd start crying
Adam! says:
I stared at the page for a while
Adam! says:
like this... [imagine a shocked-face emoticon]
sealech era says:
like a stork flying at your face... understanable
Adam! says:
yes... a big black stork that is the text on the page... and then I started to make things up
sealech era says:
yay! i love making things up!
Adam! says:
yes! so from what I faintly remembered of Visual Basic I created some commands, maybe out of thin air
Adam! says:
So I worked on this test for like half an hour
sealech era says:
ohhhh... that's ususally not very good
Adam! says:
and then a knock on the door
Adam! says:
Time for the in-person interview!
Adam! says:
Well, I butter them up real good, telling of all my computer accomplishments (now a long time ago) trying to prevent them from realizing I have forgotten everything
Adam! says:
but then at last the time came when they wanted to see what I had written down
sealech era says:
oh no!!!
Adam! says:
so I tell them... It has been a really long time, but I'm sure I could remember given a few days
Adam! says:
but they look at my work...
Adam! says:
hmmm, hmmm....
Adam! says:
and nod a little
Adam! says:
then say "yes, this is right"
sealech era says:
sealech era says:
lol, that's AMAZING!!!!!
Adam! says:
I was pretty stunned
sealech era says:
Hahaha! I'm very glad that our conversation was put on your blog for all to see! Also, thank you for providing confidentiality for myself. Now no one knows who I am....
good on ya adam!
man....who is this sealech era?
Way to go, guys! I think this post holds the record for most posts in the shortest time period. Just now I smack myself for realizing that instead of "Sealech Era" I could have done "Leaches Ear". That may even top "Boy Feva". I said maybe.
Excuse me while I collect my jaw from the floor...
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