Adam's Beanstalk

A daily adventure-bag of insights and old bones from an unknown poet in Manitoba's south. Caveat: Not everything is to be taken literally. Things are often shaded with poetic crayons; be the owl. Also, not all these bones are collected from different fields. Find themes that run througout each post and the journal as a whole; the most insignificant event may be part of an ear.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Peach Cobbler

Considering the following story describes the interviews I had today, I decided to present it to you in interview fashion. The text is taken from a messenger conversation. In order to protect the identity of the other person, I have taken great care to scramble the letters in the username. Here is the conversation:

Sealech era says:
hey! did you have an interview today?!
Adam! says:
yes, 2 in fact
sealech era says:
how'd they go???
Adam! says:
first one, at the Sunglass Hut, was quick and pretty casual because they REALLY
want me for the job
Adam! says:
the second, however...
sealech era says:
not so good?
Adam! says:
was down at Duha Color close to the airport
sealech era says:
duha color? what kind of job is there?
sealech era says:
Adam! says:
That was the computer programming job
sealech era says:
there name isn't very explainitory...
Adam! says:
Well, they do make paints
Adam! says:
The job just happens to be behind the scenes
Adam! says: anyways, I haven't done much programming in like, three years
Adam! says:
and I get there, and sit in the board room
sealech era says:
intimidation still works, apparently
Adam! says:
and am brought this stack of papers, a test, if you will, on computer programming
sealech era says:
oh goodness!
Adam! says:
asking... how would you write the code for this
Adam! says:
and that
sealech era says:
i'd start crying
Adam! says:
I stared at the page for a while
Adam! says:
like this... [imagine a shocked-face emoticon]
sealech era says:
like a stork flying at your face... understanable
Adam! says:
yes... a big black stork that is the text on the page... and then I started to make things up
sealech era says:
yay! i love making things up!
Adam! says:
yes! so from what I faintly remembered of Visual Basic I created some commands, maybe out of thin air
Adam! says:
So I worked on this test for like half an hour
sealech era says:
ohhhh... that's ususally not very good
Adam! says:
and then a knock on the door
Adam! says:
Time for the in-person interview!
Adam! says:
Well, I butter them up real good, telling of all my computer accomplishments (now a long time ago) trying to prevent them from realizing I have forgotten everything
Adam! says:
but then at last the time came when they wanted to see what I had written down
sealech era says:
oh no!!!
Adam! says:
so I tell them... It has been a really long time, but I'm sure I could remember given a few days
Adam! says:
but they look at my work...
Adam! says:
hmmm, hmmm....
Adam! says:
and nod a little
Adam! says:
then say "yes, this is right"
sealech era says:
sealech era says:
lol, that's AMAZING!!!!!
Adam! says:
I was pretty stunned
sealech era says:


At 9:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I'm very glad that our conversation was put on your blog for all to see! Also, thank you for providing confidentiality for myself. Now no one knows who I am....

At 3:25 p.m., Blogger rachelle in winnipeg, it's a living said...

good on ya adam!

At 12:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

man....who is this sealech era?

At 4:37 p.m., Blogger Adam Kroeker said...

Way to go, guys! I think this post holds the record for most posts in the shortest time period. Just now I smack myself for realizing that instead of "Sealech Era" I could have done "Leaches Ear". That may even top "Boy Feva". I said maybe.

At 4:52 p.m., Blogger Dueck said...

Excuse me while I collect my jaw from the floor...


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