Adam's Beanstalk

A daily adventure-bag of insights and old bones from an unknown poet in Manitoba's south. Caveat: Not everything is to be taken literally. Things are often shaded with poetic crayons; be the owl. Also, not all these bones are collected from different fields. Find themes that run througout each post and the journal as a whole; the most insignificant event may be part of an ear.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Welcome to Buzzland

This is a good and funny story. So as I am looking for a job, I come across this one company that hires tutors. "I can be a tutor", says myself to myself, and so I send them a resume, just one out of the many I have sent. However, the next day I receive an email stating that I have passed the first phase of the interviewing process, and now it is time for part two. Many of those who need tutoring are seniors who want to learn to use computers, and so part II tests whether we have these skillz ourselves. This is the test: place a $2.00 bid on any item at Ebay.
Now, though this is not difficult, it is something I have not done before. So I go to Ebay, open up an account, and look for an interesting item on which to bid without winning, and therefore paying for, that item. So I go to the art section, knowing that I could not possibly win a painting for $2.00. Unfortunately, all the starting bids are over $2.00. Hmm... maybe some small antique item will start for lower, I tell myself. So I browse through the antique section. Hmm... not this. No, not that. Finally I come to an 1897 children's book entitled "Victor in Buzzland" which has a current bid of $1.50. There are 2 days left, so I am guaranteed my bid will be passed. So I place a bid of $2.00, and email the tutoring company to say I have completed the task.
All is well.
I get a message in my inbox stating:
"You have won your first Ebay item!"
There is no turning back once something has been won.
Soon a little package will arrive by mail.
And I will pay $2.00 for a book I do not want
and a hefty shipping fee.
This is a good and funny story.


At 10:57 p.m., Blogger Chelsea Rae said...

Yay Adam! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get the job, you might need it to pay off the ridiculous shipping fee your book is going to require! :)

At 6:44 p.m., Blogger rachelle in winnipeg, it's a living said...


At 4:53 p.m., Blogger Dueck said...

I think that book means something important in life.


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