Adam's Beanstalk

A daily adventure-bag of insights and old bones from an unknown poet in Manitoba's south. Caveat: Not everything is to be taken literally. Things are often shaded with poetic crayons; be the owl. Also, not all these bones are collected from different fields. Find themes that run througout each post and the journal as a whole; the most insignificant event may be part of an ear.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Waygo, Waygo, Waygo to the Beango

In a new bubble underneath a world of cloud life is born. In the days before a small green thorn tumbled through space, gathering a coat of flames as it entered the atmosphere of this old Gravity. In time less the tearing of an eye the smouldering seed reached the heart of this bleak world where it found the One bubble. Was this bubble the source of the gravity? Was it the all-attracting force? The thorn dove into the bubble's film; now a writhing salamander within a crystal cocoon.
--A sprout takes form within the circle that lifts and shakes and eventually pokes its beak through. A beanstalk from a bubble in a world of cloud--what heights will it reach?


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